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Government steps soon to ban Awami-League


Government steps soon to ban Awami-League

Asif Mahmud Sajib Bhuiyan, Advisor to the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development (LGRD) and Cooperatives, said that the current government will soon take steps to ban Awami League as a political party. He said this in a special interview with Bangladesh News Agency (BASS) on Friday.

Asif Mahmud said, first of all, it is very positive that a kind of 'consensus' is being
formed among the political parties regarding the banning of Awami League. As the
people of the country could not accept the undemocratic and stubborn attitude and
activities of the then ruling party, a 'consensus' was established between them before
and after August 5 to ban the party. If such a consensus is formed among the political
parties, it will be easier for the government to implement any decision.

Is the government taking any steps to ban Awami League as a political party? In
response to such questions, he further said, I think, ordinary people or political parties;
Whoever we are, we 'represent' the people of this country. As a result, our main goal
should be to give priority to the aspirations and demands of the people after
August 5. I would like to applaud the demand of banning Awami League from that place.

The advisor to the Youth and Sports Ministry of the Interim Government said that
apart from the judicial process, there are 4 laws, where the government can take
action against any party by executive order. However, the government has not yet
decided what its legal framework will be.
He said that the involvement of autocratic Awami League with the massacre of July
and August should be proven naturally in the judicial process. In that case, the
government can take any measure including banning Awami League as a party,
canceling its registration. However, since the matter is related to the implementation
of the law, the government will take a final decision to ban Awa League after
following all necessary procedures.

He said, I want to assure that the government will take quick steps in this regard to reflect the wishes of the people of Bangladesh.

Regarding the formation of a new political party by the students who led the July
uprising, this adviser to the government said, "After the August 5 change, we formed
an interim government." We have seen in the past that the achievements of a coup are
lost due to the lack of involvement of those who stage a mass coup in the subsequent
He said that the democratic rights of the people have not been established even after
the 1990s uprising. Considering these issues, those who have been at the forefront of
the movement to overthrow the dictatorship have thought of forming a party.
Moreover, many who led the popular uprising after August 5 did not go under any
political banner.
Asif stated that there is a growing desire among them to establish a state. He
emphasized the need for a political party to unite this power. While the decision to
form a party has been made, the party's name is yet to be decided. According to
reports, the launch of the new team is expected to take place in the second half of

When asked if there will be any government representatives in the new student group,

Asif Mahmud responded that no decision has been made yet. However, he clarified

that their policy is clear: if any student representatives from the current government

choose to join the political process, it would be inappropriate for them to remain in

government positions. He stated that any individual who pursues this path would need

to resign from the government first.

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